EGS Model - Sorin Project
By Penrose CDB (NGO)
Functional unit
By Penrose CDB (NGO)
The simplified models ( were developed as one of the outcomes of the European project GEOENVI [Grant agreement n°818242 -- 2018-2021]. These simplified models estimate the environmental impacts of four different categories of geothermal installations, namely:
(1) enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) for heat generation with very low direct emissions
(2) geothermal flash power plant producing electricity and a limited amount of heat from a
geothermal source with moderate to high content of NCGs, composed mostly of CO2
(3) combined Heat and Power (CHP) geothermal plant with low direct emissions
(4) a heat production plant including a demonstration ORC producing electricity for self-consumption
with very low emissions.
The simplified models are based on equations with a small number of variable parameters and provide first environmental assessments of geothermal installations belonging to any of the four categories described, whenever the resources are lacking to conduct full life cycle assessments (LCAs). The generation of the simplified models for each of the four categories of geothermal installations relied on a five-step protocol ( including:
(i) the definition of the scope of the study
(ii) the modelling and validation of the reference LCA model
(iii) the statistical process to identify the key input variable parameters for each impact category
(iv) the generation and validation of the simplified models, and (v) the description of the models’
applicability domain.
The reference LCA model was developed based on one representative geothermal installation per category and followed whenever possible the LCA guidelines developed within GEOENVI ( Adaptations were necessary to ensure that the developed reference LCA model was not too specific for the representative installation and thus general enough to represent all possible installations within that category. Seven simplified models per category of geothermal installation were developed, describing impacts on climate change, minerals and metals resource depletion, fossil resource depletion, human carcinogenic effects, human non-carcinogenic effects, freshwater ecotoxicity, and freshwater and terrestrial acidification. Each model relied on two to six variable parameters specific to the geothermal installation and explaining around 75% or more of the variance observed per impact category. In addition, the simplified models for the EGS for heat generation includes electricity shares as inputs to consider different types of electricity mix used to power the pumps during the plant’s operation phase. It appears that the influencing variable parameters vary depending on the impact category and the geothermal installation category. Only the most influencing variable parameters were kept per simplified model, as explained in more details in the description of the protocol.
The simplified models presented here are first estimates of the environmental impacts of a geothermal installation and do not replace a full Life Cycle Assessment. While a simplified model is a good representation of a specific type of geothermal installation, its accuracy in estimating the environmental impacts does not fully match the one of a full LCA. Furthermore, the use of the simplified models is strictly limited to the defined applicability domain. Carefully choosing among the different types of installations available is therefore essential to ensure the relevance of the estimated impacts. Whenever an installation falls partly within the defined parameter ranges and/or the specified applicability domain, the user might want to apply all simplified models and compare their outcomes. We suggest that if the results per impact category for each installation type vary by less than 10%, the estimated values might be considered an acceptable first rough estimate of the environmental impacts of the considered installation. Otherwise, we advise against the use of the simplified models and recommend the development of a new simplified model for the specific installation type. Overall, we advise against applying a simplified model to an installation whose characteristics do not match the defined parameter ranges or the specified applicability domain at all.
For further information on the GEOENVI LCA tools, please visit:
1. Please read the description and applicability domain provided for the simplified models developed by GEOENVI here below. For further information on each case study for the reference models click the "more info" link below the case studies.
2. Select a representative type of model (EGS/Flash/CHP/HeatORC) to use on your case study. By clicking on the link to the worksheet of the model you wish to use, you will be automatically transfered to the sheet.
3. Information on the use of each model is provided on the representative worksheet.
The use of GEOENVI’s simplified models for Life Cycle Assessment shall not be intended as the sole justification for choosing geothermal projects over other projects. The results of the simplified models as presented in this platform are not exact, as they do not substitute a full LCA analysis. The GEOENVI project declines any responsibility for any wrong use of the tool.
The GEOENVI project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 818242. The sole responsibility of this platform lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
For questions related the tool, please contact:
The range of values for each parameter which the reference LCA model and simplified models can be applied.
Combined Heat and Power geothermal plant with low direct emissions.
Enhanced geothermal system technology, for heat generation with very low direct emissions.
Type of geothermal power plants whose primary scope are the production of electricity where steam drives generator turbines. Such plants produce also heat which is delivered through a heat transfer network for industrial uses.
A heat production plant including a demonstration ORC producing electricity for self-consumption with very low emissions.
In the LCA impact assessment (LCIA) potential environmental impacts are calculated based on the inventory results of the life cycle. Inputs and outputs are multiplied by a specific characterisation factors and all the contributions to different impact categories are summed up to obtain a single impact value for each considered category.
Ensemble of statistical techniques generating random samples of parameters from their probability distribution functions to estimate the uncertainty of the model's outcome which is defined by these parameters.
Shares of the different electricity sources for the EU28 countries observed in 2010 and forecasted for 2050 from Capros, P., European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, European Commission, Climate Action DG, European Commission, Directorate General for Mobility and Transport, 2016. EU reference scenario 2016: energy, transport and GHG emissions : trends to 2050. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg
Parameter | Country | 2010 | 2050 | Unit | Description |
fNuc | AT | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | AT | 7,2% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | AT | 1,9% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | AT | 23,8% | 19,3% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | AT | 7,5% | 7,5% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | AT | 56,5% | 50,5% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | AT | 3,0% | 17,0% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | AT | 0,1% | 5,6% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | BE | 51,1% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | BE | 4,5% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | BE | 0,4% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | BE | 35,4% | 58,7% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | BE | 6,3% | 7,4% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | BE | 0,3% | 0,6% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | BE | 1,4% | 28,0% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | BE | 0,6% | 5,2% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | BG | 33,1% | 35,5% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | BG | 49,1% | 21,1% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | BG | 0,9% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | BG | 4,3% | 9,2% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | BG | 0,1% | 3,7% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | BG | 11,0% | 7,4% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | BG | 1,5% | 13,2% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | BG | 0,0% | 9,8% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | HR | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | HR | 17,0% | 0,1% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | HR | 4,0% | 0,4% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | HR | 18,2% | 26,0% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | HR | 0,2% | 5,7% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | HR | 59,5% | 36,6% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | HR | 1,0% | 14,2% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | HR | 0,0% | 17,0% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | CY | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | CY | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | CY | 98,6% | 0,3% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | CY | 0,0% | 58,4% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | CY | 0,7% | 3,1% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | CY | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | CY | 0,6% | 12,6% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | CY | 0,1% | 25,5% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | CZ | 32,8% | 54,2% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | CZ | 55,2% | 17,9% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | CZ | 0,2% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | CZ | 4,8% | 11,8% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | CZ | 2,6% | 7,6% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | CZ | 3,3% | 3,9% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | CZ | 0,4% | 1,8% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | CZ | 0,7% | 3,0% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | DK | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | DK | 43,8% | 0,3% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | DK | 2,0% | 0,3% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | DK | 20,3% | 19,1% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | DK | 13,7% | 22,2% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | DK | 0,1% | 0,1% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | DK | 20,1% | 56,4% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | DK | 0,0% | 1,8% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | EE | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | EE | 86,1% | 14,9% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | EE | 0,3% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | EE | 5,5% | 18,1% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | EE | 5,7% | 24,7% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | EE | 0,2% | 0,8% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | EE | 2,1% | 41,6% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | EE | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | FI | 28,3% | 41,3% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | FI | 25,8% | 1,5% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | FI | 0,6% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | FI | 14,7% | 7,8% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | FI | 14,2% | 24,7% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | FI | 16,0% | 16,3% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | FI | 0,4% | 8,4% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | FI | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | FR | 76,0% | 38,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | FR | 4,1% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | FR | 1,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | FR | 4,7% | 6,1% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | FR | 1,2% | 4,5% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | FR | 11,1% | 12,0% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | FR | 1,8% | 26,5% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | FR | 0,1% | 11,9% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | DE | 22,4% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | DE | 42,0% | 21,1% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | DE | 1,4% | 0,1% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | DE | 16,1% | 19,3% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | DE | 6,9% | 11,6% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | DE | 3,3% | 4,7% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | DE | 6,0% | 30,2% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | DE | 1,9% | 12,8% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | GR | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | GR | 53,7% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | GR | 10,6% | 0,1% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | GR | 17,1% | 21,5% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | GR | 0,6% | 3,0% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | GR | 13,0% | 9,6% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | GR | 4,7% | 37,9% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | GR | 0,3% | 27,9% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | HU | 42,2% | 58,3% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | HU | 16,7% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | HU | 1,3% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | HU | 31,3% | 23,4% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | HU | 6,6% | 7,3% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | HU | 0,5% | 2,2% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | HU | 1,4% | 7,3% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | HU | 0,0% | 1,3% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | IE | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | IE | 22,5% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | IE | 2,1% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | IE | 62,3% | 40,8% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | IE | 1,1% | 6,5% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | IE | 2,1% | 4,2% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | IE | 9,9% | 48,5% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | IE | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | IT | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | IT | 13,3% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | IT | 7,3% | 0,2% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | IT | 53,0% | 34,4% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | IT | 3,9% | 15,2% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | IT | 17,1% | 12,9% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | IT | 3,1% | 14,8% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | IT | 0,6% | 21,0% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | LV | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | LV | 0,0% | 0,8% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | LV | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | LV | 45,1% | 29,2% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | LV | 1,0% | 16,0% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | LV | 53,1% | 34,6% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | LV | 0,7% | 19,3% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | LV | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | LT | 0,0% | 53,5% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | LT | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | LT | 13,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | LT | 68,8% | 18,3% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | LT | 2,9% | 8,4% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | LT | 10,8% | 6,2% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | LT | 4,5% | 13,3% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | LT | 0,0% | 0,4% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | LU | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | LU | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | LU | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | LU | 90,3% | 81,6% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | LU | 4,0% | 3,7% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | LU | 3,3% | 1,8% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | LU | 1,7% | 11,2% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | LU | 0,7% | 1,7% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | MT | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | MT | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | MT | 99,9% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | MT | 0,0% | 78,3% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | MT | 0,0% | 1,7% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | MT | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | MT | 0,0% | 2,5% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | MT | 0,0% | 17,5% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | NL | 3,4% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | NL | 19,1% | 1,3% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | NL | 1,1% | 0,1% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | NL | 65,7% | 56,0% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | NL | 7,3% | 13,9% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | NL | 0,1% | 0,1% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | NL | 3,4% | 25,2% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | NL | 0,1% | 3,5% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | PL | 0,0% | 28,2% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | PL | 87,0% | 25,9% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | PL | 1,8% | 0,1% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | PL | 4,3% | 17,0% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | PL | 4,0% | 8,5% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | PL | 1,9% | 1,8% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | PL | 1,1% | 18,3% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | PL | 0,0% | 0,1% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | PT | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | PT | 13,2% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | PT | 5,6% | 0,9% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | PT | 27,8% | 2,6% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | PT | 5,5% | 7,7% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | PT | 30,1% | 36,7% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | PT | 17,1% | 36,9% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | PT | 0,4% | 14,7% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | RO | 19,2% | 26,6% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | RO | 34,1% | 9,7% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | RO | 1,1% | 0,2% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | RO | 12,1% | 14,8% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | RO | 0,2% | 4,4% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | RO | 32,8% | 19,3% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | RO | 0,5% | 18,6% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | RO | 0,0% | 6,4% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | SK | 53,1% | 58,5% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | SK | 13,0% | 7,6% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | SK | 2,2% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | SK | 9,9% | 8,8% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | SK | 2,6% | 7,4% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | SK | 19,1% | 13,8% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | SK | 0,0% | 0,9% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | SK | 0,1% | 3,0% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | SI | 34,8% | 43,4% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | SI | 32,5% | 0,2% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | SI | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | SI | 3,4% | 13,0% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | SI | 1,4% | 10,3% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | SI | 27,8% | 26,6% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | SI | 0,0% | 2,0% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | SI | 0,1% | 4,4% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | ES | 20,8% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | ES | 8,5% | 0,2% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | ES | 5,6% | 0,5% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | ES | 32,1% | 13,5% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | ES | 1,6% | 3,8% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | ES | 14,2% | 10,6% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | ES | 14,8% | 38,9% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | ES | 2,2% | 32,6% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | SE | 39,0% | 31,0% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | SE | 1,2% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | SE | 1,2% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | SE | 2,5% | 5,6% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | SE | 9,0% | 12,9% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | SE | 44,7% | 36,1% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | SE | 2,4% | 14,3% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | SE | 0,0% | 0,0% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |
fNuc | UK | 16,4% | 29,1% | ratio | Ratio of nuclear power in the national grid |
fCoal | UK | 28,4% | 0,7% | ratio | Ratio of coal in the national grid |
fOil | UK | 1,3% | 0,1% | ratio | Ratio of oil in the national grid |
fNG | UK | 46,7% | 29,7% | ratio | Ratio of natural gas in the national grid |
fBio | UK | 3,5% | 11,1% | ratio | Ratio of biomass in the national grid |
fHydro | UK | 0,9% | 1,1% | ratio | Ratio of hydropower in the national grid |
fWind | UK | 2,7% | 26,2% | ratio | Ratio of wind in the national grid |
fSolar | UK | 0,0% | 1,9% | ratio | Ratio of solar in the national grid |